Learning to Follow the Shepherd
Psalm 23 Recent Summer Sermon Series
This beautiful Psalm reminds us that the LORD is in control, protecting us, present with us, and providing for us throughout our lives. Each week we will examine one phrase of the Psalm fully embracing it’s meaning and application in our lives as we learn how to more deeply embrace the reality that we are sheep and the LORD is the Good Shepherd. As we explore these themes, pray the LORD will speak to you and point out areas in your life where you can become a more devoted disciple of the LORD Jesus.
“The Lord is my Shepherd”
Psalm 23:1 by Pastor Kevin Lewis
July 17, 2022
This first sermon in the series offers some context to Psalm 23 as well as examines the first phrase of the Psalm. By diving deeply into knowing the LORD and what it means that he is our Good Shepherd, we can grow to fully trust Jesus as Lord and Shepherd in our lives.
“I Shall Not Want”
Psalm 23:1 by Pastor Kevin Lewis
July 24, 2022
Have you heard the expression, “the grass is greener on the other side!” Sadly, its not, it’s just grass. So, why do we seem to desire what is out of reach? Why do we look to the other side of the fence? What could it mean in our lives if we were content?
“He makes me to lie down in green pastures”
Psalm 23:2 by Pastor Kevin Lewis
July 31, 2022
Do we trust the Good Shepherd enough to have peace in our lives that comes through his presence? In order to have peace through of the presence of the Good Shepherd, we need to consider four issues that hinder our peace. This practical sermon leads you to examine these four aspects in your own life.
“He leads me beside still waters”
Psalm 23:2 by Pastor Kevin Lewis
August 7, 2022
Jesus, who is the Good Shepherd who leads us beside quiet waters says. “If anyone is thirsty, come and drink.” Whoever believes in him ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’ Are you Satisfying your thirst in Jesus?
“He restores my soul”
Psalm 23:3 by Pastor Kevin Lewis
At times in life we find ourselves "cast." A sheep is cast when it is on its backside and unable to stand back up. If left this way a sheep will die. For people this can be similar, when we find ourselves cast down in life, we need a Shepherd to come and set us on our feet again. It's important that we understand that we can't do it ourselves. Only the Good Shepherd can set us upright in this life.
“Even Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,”
Psalm 23:4 by Pastor Kevin Lewis
September 4, 2022
It is natural and normal for Christians to experience valleys in their spiritual life. In order to have mountain top experiences, traveling through valleys is necessary. Yet, people still avoid them rather than seize the opportunities they present for spiritual growth and formation.
“Your rod and your staff they comfort me”
Psalm 23:4 by Pastor Kevin Lewis
September 11, 2022
A healthy disciple sees the tools of the shepherd with feelings of comfort. Pastor Kevin talks about the symbolism, practical use, and meaning for us today as we consider the tools of the good shepherd.
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies”
Psalm 23:5 by Pastor Kevin Lewis
September 25, 2022
Most of us don't think of having enemies, but the reality is that we do. There is an enemy that is a liar, who seeks to devour God's people, and plans to thwart all that God is doing... BUT... he is on the run, he is defeated and we have nothing to fear because the Lord is providing all that we need.
“You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
Psalm 23:5-6 by Pastor Kevin Lewis
October 2, 2022
As the Psalm finishes, it is with great admiration and boasting that the sheep looks upon the shepherd and declares that his cup is running over, that goodness and mercy follow him, and that he will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. It is a special moment to reflect on all that God has done for us.