The History of Grace Community Baptist Church
In 2014 the church began the process of transforming the building to become a resource to the church and community. The project emphasized adding a warming kitchen, improving safety features, and creating a foyer to improve flow throughout the building. This video shows the drastic transformation completed in 2017.
In the Beginning…
1951- Bible Baptist was formed in December 1951. It met in the Alder brook Club building for the first four months. March of 1952 the church moved to the Rod and Gun Club building at 14th and Franklin. The rent was $42 per Sunday and pulpit supply $10 per Sunday with $1 travel allowance for preachers coming from Portland.
The church determined to be mission minded. They set missionary giving at 25% of the total monthly income. The first missionary to be supported on a regular monthly basis was Evelyn Varney missionary to Japan under the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society (CBFMS). The church pledged $10 a month to her support. 29 years later, contributions were still being made toward her support.
1952- On November 13, 1952 Mr. and Mrs. Art Sylling, Mrs. Margaret Wahl, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vegors, and Mr. Steve Border met for the purpose of officially incorporating with the State of Oregon. During the first annual business meeting on December 2, 1952, Ben Vegors was unanimously called as pastor. Ronald Trenholm was elected as deacon. Numerous other officers were elected by the congregation.
1953- An older home located at 578 Grand was purchased for $5,250. The church made a $1500 down payment and agreed to make monthly payments. This building served as church and parsonage until 1958. In April of 1958 the main partition of the building was removed, and additional Sunday School rooms were held in the garage. Laurel Trenholm and John Barker worked on the transition.
1958- In April of 1958 the lots at 12th and Irving Ave. were purchased for a new church building. There was $3,350 in the building fun with which to start construction. The balance came through the sale of bonds for $12,000. This was later raised to $24,000. Louis Wetzel and Osar Wrausman did most of the carpentry work and supervised a host of volunteer workers. The church was completed and dedicated in November of 1958. Mrs. Angeline McNeel of the Cannon Beach Conference Center played a marimba at the church dedication. Ben Vegors resigned May 11, 1962.
The 1960’s
1962- A unanimous call was extended to Rev. David Croy on June 10, 1962. He received a salary of $75 a week and resided in the parsonage. It was understood that the weekly salary would be increased as the church become financially able. Some of the projects Pastor Croy accomplished early in his ministry were to start a kindergarten and age graded Sunday School system. The Astoria Christian Kindergarten continued until 1973 when Oregon began public kindergartens. He also revised the constitution in March of 1963. Beginning in January of 1964 the church produced a publication called “the Beacon” with a mailing list of 144.
1964- The first mention of a youth fellowship occurred in January 1964. The average attendance was 10. During the December 31, 1963, meeting the official church membership was 51.
The need for a new addition to the church was expressed in April 1964. This addition was necessary due to an increase in attendance (almost double) during the Sunday services and to accommodate the kindergarten. The building project was deemed to be too expensive at this time and was postponed indefinitely. Pastor Croy resigned December 20, 1964.
1965- Rev. Harold McArthur was called on May 8, 1965. Pastor McArthur immediately suggested some administrative changes. He recommended that the deacon and trustee boards each be increased by one member. The change was to affect a more efficient administration of church business. Two new boards were established: the mission board and the Christian education board.
In addition to administrative changes, Pastor McArthur gave a high priority to teacher training. In November 1965 a teacher training conference was offered. Conference tuition of $4 per single and $6 per couple was charged. The youth group reported attendance of up to 20 at times. Pastor MacArthur verbally resigned on July 9, 1967. Mr. Don Gillum served as interim pastor.
1968- Rev. Robert Wolfe was called on October 2, 1968. Two significant actions were taken under his leadership. The Sunday morning service began to be broadcast live over KVAS radio on Feb. 9th. The church took a serious look at a one board system of church government. In April 1969 a new attendance record was set at 145. The previous high had been 138. The new addition to the church was nearly completed during Pastor Wolfe’s time with us. He resigned in 1973.
The 1970’s and 1980’s
1973- In November of 1973 Rev. Kenneth Doolen, a graduate of Multnomah School of the Bible and Western Conservative Baptist Seminary was called as pastor. His pastorate included a strong pulpit ministry and increased emphasis on home Bible studies. One of the most significant actions at the church in those years was the concept of adding future staff form among the congregation.
1977- In October of 1977 the church hired Charles Fisher (a Bible Baptist Member) as part-time youth pastor. His employment included further training at Multnomah School of the Bible. Following completion of his training he was to be hired as full-time Associate Pastor. Pastor Ken Doolin submitted is resignation on March 23, 1980.
1980- On August 13, 1980, the church voted to extend a call to Charles Fischer as pastor. The greatest emphasis of Pastor Fischer’s ministry was on counseling and home Bible study. In August of 1984 Lee Pattison was hired as associate pastor with his main emphasis being on evangelism and discipleship. Pastor Fischer resigned November 7, 1987.
1988- In February 1988 Lee Pattison was voted in as senior pastor. His main emphasis of ministry was one-on-one discipleship and training individuals. His training was with Navigators. Two intern pastors (both Bible Baptist members) worked under the ministry of pastor Lee. Mark Elefritz was intern form October 1987 to August 1988 while he attended Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. Keith Baldwin also was intern for the summer 1988 after a year at Multnomah School of the Bible. Pastor Lee resigned December 1990. January 1989 Gary McMillian joined the staff as associate pastor with his main emphasis on the youth. He also worked in the area of music and worship. Pastor Gary resigned May 1991.
Mark Elefritz was intern from October 1987 to August 1988 while he attended Western Conservative Baptist Seminary. Keith Baldwin also was intern for the summer of 1988 after a year at Multnomah School of the Bible. Pastor Lee resigned December 1990. January 1989 Gary McMillian joined the staff as associate pastor with his main emphasis on the youth. He also worked in the area of music and worship. Pastor Gary resigned my 1991.
The 1990’s
1991- Bible Baptist Church remained mission minded supporting 11 individual missionaries, three of which were from among the church body. In 1989/90 a new addition was added to the building featuring new offices, additional classrooms, and more parking on the street. Much volunteer work was accomplished by the SOWER organization (Servants on Wheels Ever Ready)
September 1, 1991, Rev Raoul Robles, a graduate of Western Conservative Baptist Seminary was called as senior pastor.
1992- Joe Heidrick joined staff as associate pastor of youth and family ministries.
1993- Mary Walther departed in January for Japan as a MAC worker of CB International (formerly CBFMS) for a two year term.
1994- Chris and Jackie Welborn began full time ministry in May with American Missionary Fellowship working in Provo, Utah with Mormons. In May, Pastor Joe Heidrick left due to lack of finances. Major difficulties resulted in a number of people leaving the church. Missionary financing had to be put on hold for a number of months until finances stabilized and increased.
In May, Mark Elefritz went out on a two-year mission to Zambia. Steve and Barb Molsee were appointed with American Missionary Fellowship to be rural missionaries in Idaho. July, Ron and Peggy Pricer (and family) leave for Taiwan in July with CB International for a two-year term teaching at a missionary school.
1996- July, Steve and Barb Molsee leave for Idaho with AMF ministries.
1997- July Mark Elefritz was ordained in Bible Baptist Church
The church sanctuary received new carpeting in shades of blue tweed. Sever major repairs on the building were completed which included a new roof, a sprinkler system in the church basement and the crumbling rock wall on the west of the property being repaired.
November, New chairs were purchased for the sanctuary ending the era of handmade pews which were donated to a potential group.
1998- The entire exterior of the building was painted heavenly blue with a brown trim.
The Early 2000’s
2001- The church Celebrates 50 years with a special service in which many of the previous pastors attended. It was a wonderful celebration!
2002- The name of the church is changed from Bible Baptist Church to Grace Community Baptist Church. It was a difficult process, but deemed necessary to clarify the identity of the church to the community.
2006- The church, in response to the CBNW (Conservative Baptist Northwest, of which it is a member church) began to restructure it’s leadership process to align with the CBNW Identity document.
2009/2010- a Natural Church Development Survey was led by Dave Cettie of CBNW to discern areas that need improvement in the church ministries. Also, Mario Gonzalez was commissioned to pastor the growing Hispanic Ministry.
2010- In September Pastor Raoul Robles completed 19 years of ministry and relocated to a ministry in the San Francisco Bay area. In October, Pastor Kevin Lewis, a graduate of Multnomah Bible College and Western Seminary, was called to be the Senior Pastor. This was a difficult transition for the church resulting in several families choosing to leave the church prior to Pastor Kevin’s start. Pastor Kevin began his ministry with a rebuilding mindset.
2014- October, The Elders begin the process of drawing up plans for a major remodeling of the building. The goals included creating accessibility, update the look of the exterior and interior, as well as add a kitchen and fellowship room downstairs. The total cost of the project was just under $500,000. Thanks to generous giving, the project was paid for in full upon completion.
The Present
2017- May- the building remodel is primarily finished leaving only paint touchups and minor projects to be completed. A special worship service was held to dedicate “The Great Things God has Done.” Former pastors and their families were invited as well as the community. It was a wonderful celebration!
2019- June 16, 2019 Pastor Kevin Lewis was ordained by Grace Community Baptist Church.
2020- The breakout of a global pandemic (Covid-19) caused governing officials to close businesses, schools, and churches restricting large gatherings of people to prevent the spread of the virus. The church shifted from meeting in person to providing a virtual worship service from March until June. It was a wonderful day when we were able to cautiously gather again. By the Fall of 2020 The church was only meeting for small gatherings and worship services.
2020- Andrew Johnson (AJ) is hired as associate Pastor primarily working with youth and childrens ministry administration. He was hired in anticipation of launching new programs to reach community families with children, as well as support the growing ministry of the church.
2021- The church started a mid-week Awana ministry and a mid-week Latte’s and Littles Play group for moms and toddlers. These hospitality ministries are aimed at serving our military community and local families with children. Pastor Mario Gonzalez completed his ministry pastoring the Hispanic Worship Service and Tomas Durate has taken up a role as Lead Elder during the transition.