Men’s Ministry
On the Second Tuesday of the month
We Gather
for prayer, worship, testimony, and the Word!
On Thursday evenings at 5, we gather for
Bible Study
Join us as we are reading and discussing 1 Corinthians. No home work, jump in anytime!
The Gathering is always at GCBC in the community room and starts with dinner at 6 PM! Come Hungry for good food, good connection, and time in God’s word with other Men!
September 10 Men’s Gathering
October 8 Men’s Gathering
November 12 Men’s Gathering Serving Event
December 10 Men’s Gathering
January 14 Men’s Gathering Book Discussion
February 11 Men’s Gathering
March 11 Men’s Gathering
April 8 Men’s Gathering
April TBD Dunes Men’s Retreat LEARN MORE
May 13 Men’s Gathering
June 10 Camp Fire Night
July 8 Men’s Gathering Tournament Night
August 12 Men’s Gathering
September 5-7 Men’s Roundup LEARN MORE
September 9 Men’s Gathering
Men’s Bible Study and Discussion.
This study is discussion based. Guys gather to read the text and discuss it. The Life Guide Bible study is filled with questions to fuel the conversation. Some guys fill it out ahead of time, or just review it for light prep. Others just come. We know you are busy. The goal is to make it as accessible as possible while not skimping on the content. We are moving at the speed of “a chapter a week!”
This Years Men’s Ministry Theme
Jesus: A Theography is the first book ever written to combine historical Jesus studies with biblical theology, crafting together one breathtaking saga that tells the Jesus story in both Old and New Testaments. The whole Bible points us to Jesus. Join us each week as we learn a little bit more about how! Read the book and plan to discuss it in January!
This is a great book that has been out long enough that there are many used copies. You can get the book, new or used, on Amazon, as well as a Kindle or Audiobook. Do what woks for you!