Plan Your Visit
Learn what to expect on your initial visit to Grace Community Baptist Church
We are a group of people dedicated to glorifying God in our worship and leading others to join with us. We gather on Sunday’s at 9:00AM and 10:45 to hear an encouraging Bible based sermon, worship with live music, and learn more about what it means to be a faithful follower of Jesus. We have programs for Adults, youth, children, and a nursery available to help your family grow.
We know that going to church for the first time can be intimidating. We want to help make your first experience at Grace Community a great one!
What is the Worship Service like?
The worship service is usually about 75 minutes long featuring, scripture, music, prayer, and a sermon as well as something special each week; familiar, but different! On the first of every month we celebrate communion. Our music ensemble leads congregational singing of hymns, choruses, and anthems. Our pastors share an encouraging message from the Bible. We encourage everyone to participate as they feel led. Children are encouraged to join in the worship.
What if I have children?
We encourage families to worship together but we don’t expect kids to sit quietly for long. After the opening music, we dismiss the children 5 years old through 5th grade for children’s church led by a qualified teacher. Our nursery is a safe space staffed by certified volunteers where you can leave your children 0-4 years, or use it for feeding, diaper changing and soothing your baby. Some moms like to keep their babies with them and that is OK. Our older youth are encouraged to participate in the worship service.
What is the church like?
We are a casual group who live in a river town near the ocean. Most people dress business casual for church, but during the summer many wear shorts, sweatshirts, and sandals. It’s a Northwest thing! Our music is worshipful, and we encourage congregational singing. We have padded chairs in our sanctuary and we use screens for words. Our building is on two levels and we have an electric lift (enclosed) to make everything accessible. We have street parking and a parking lot for ease of access. We remodeled and updated our facility in 2017 replacing carpeting, paint, and lighting to freshen up our facility and make it easy for anyone to use.
Let us know you are planning a visit!
Join Us
1195 Irving Ave. Astoria, OR 97103
Sunday Worship 9AM and 10:45 AM
(503) 325-2263
Email office@gracechurchastoria.org